Erich Squire

Squire graduated from Portage High School in 1993.

Squire has lived in Indiana his whole life and presently resides in Portage, Indiana with his two young children. When he is not working, he likes listening to music, performing with a local band, playing pool with friends, and participating in active activities such as skiing, swimming, and soccer.

Erich is an ardent believer in giving back to his community. He volunteered as a fireman in Ogden Dunes for three years after the department rescued his home from devastation in a house fire. He finished Firefighting modules one and two, as well as EMT module one, for this position. Even though he has relocated from the Ogden Dunes region, he continues to financially support the department. Squire has also served on the board of directors of the Louisville Jazz Society, where he was tasked with assisting in the recruitment of young jazz talent to the Louisville region.

Erich Squire works independently as a business consultant, which he has done since 2017. Squire's significant background and expertise in finance enable him to deliver "a variety of strategic and analytic services, ranging from quantitative to qualitative," to businesses of all sizes in this capacity. He draws on his extensive experience in financial analysis, forecasting, modeling, business plan development and evaluation, data analysis, financial modeling, change management, and actuarial analysis to aid customers in developing their companies and overcoming financial and human resource difficulties.

Squire has spent his entire career in finance, including nine years with Century Aluminum in the greater Chicago region, where he worked his way up the corporate ladder, beginning as a Human Resources expert and eventually rising to the position of Senior Vice President of Finance. Squire managed the Century's reporting, investor relations, and accounting functions in this capacity as the company's most senior financial officer.